Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Once upon a time there was a blogger who retired early. With time on her hands, she committed (some might say overcommitted) to a regular blogging schedule and, in the beginning, it was good. She wrote regularly and the commitment she made to posting regularly gave structure to her days, while keeping her brain and fingers nimble.

Then, the retired blogger took on some outside (paying) work. At first, it was manageable but, over time, it grew and grew. Before she knew it, she was struggling to find time to come up with topics, let alone the energy to string intelligent sentences together. Her posts trickled off and she was sad, but she was also tired. 

Tired won. 

Some of her favorite posts to write were the Friday Features. Originally, she did them on a weekly basis. Then, as life got busy, writing about reading presented more of a challenge, not to mention detracting from the whole reading thing in the first place. The blogger tried other Friday ideas, but they never worked as well on the page as they did in her imagination.

A little while later, the blogger, who also liked to read, discovered that her bookshelves were bulging. In an effort to save money and keep books from overrunning the house, she returned to her local library. This action, as you can imagine, expanded her to-be-read pile, something that had both advantages and disadvantages.

One advantage was that increasing her reading led the blogger back to her Friday Features. As is often the case in fables and fairy tales, she'd learned her lesson about overcommitting and opted to re-establish this feature on an every-other-week basis. 

The blogger, who is happy to be back to writing about books, hopes that her readers will join her on the porch swing for these Friday Features, and that she, her readers and her Friday Features will live happily ever after.

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