Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Way Back Wednesday: Remember Snow Days?

I've always had an affinity for snow days, especially in March. My husband and I got engaged a month before the "Storm of the Century" in 1993, and a succession of snow days allowed us to spend much more time together than we usually could with different jobs in different counties. Those snow days in March were also how I convinced my then-fiancé, who wanted a spring wedding, that fall was a safer choice. (We got married in October). 

I actually chose today's post yesterday, when another early March snowstorm was in the forecast. As is typical for Central Pennsylvania, two days ago, it was in the 70s, yesterday was a little cooler (and a lot windier) and today, we had snow, rain, and sleet all in the same day.

But no snow day.

With Zoom and other technologies that allow us to keep going even when (baby) it's cold outside, the snow day is an endangered species. Back in 2010, I declared these 6 things at the top of the list of things I love about snow days:

1. The pressure to run errands is greatly dimished.
2. It may be cold and snowy outside, but it's usually warm and comfy inside.
3. Hot chocolate with marshmallows.
4. All day pj days!
5. Time to write!
6. Family time.

Now, more than a decade later, I'm still especially fond of all-day pj days and time to write, as well as a little sad that #6 isn't quite the same but even in 2022, I still love a good snow day. 

C'mon Mother Nature. I know you can do it.

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