Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Way Back Wednesday: Customer Service, Kudos and Faux Pas

As I re-read old posts in search of my Way Back Wednesday contenders, I ask myself a few questions. Is the post still true? Is it relevant? Do I think it warrants sharing again?

Most posts don't make the cut.

In re-reading this one, which was written before my first novel was published, it occurs to me that this defines the way I want to treat my loyal readers. They are my very own "regulars" and I want them to feel as valued as I feel when I get that exemplary service this post discusses.

In addition, in the time of COVID, I increasingly find myself taking my business and my money to the places that value my health as much as my business. Shopping, dining and other pursuits are only enjoyable when we feel safe.

In the end, this post, perhaps even more than some others met my criteria. Still true, still relevant and, in my humble opinion, worth sharing again.

And, in case you're wondering, yes, I still patronize that bakery.

I am a loyal customer. If a business treats me well, I am quick to patronize them on a regular basis. I was raised on good customer service, learning from my father (a retired Realtor) and my maternal grandmother (a waitress) that repeat business is not only the lifeblood of a career, but in some cases, the foundation of lifelong friendships.

I am consistently surprised that so many businesses fail to realize the value of courtesy and a smile. When I walk into my local Starbucks, I am treated like a returning friend. The baristas greet me with a smile, many know my order (I always get the same thing, varying only the size) and they make me feel as though my business matters. Consequently, I patronize their store regularly. It's no coincidence that my occasional treat has become an almost-daily habit.

Yesterday, one of the baristas was telling me about the bakery his mother is opening this week. Before I left, he gave me a flyer, which I'll either pass on to a foodie friend or post in our faculty room. The next time I'm in the area, I'll stop in to visit that bakery not only because I like bakeries, or because I want to support a fledgling business, but because I feel a connection to it.

I am just as responsive to poor customer service, though in a completely opposite manner. It's been at least three years since I patronized the grocery store nearest my home thanks to a rude clerk. Daily, I bypass a lunch spot near my office because a staff member completely ignored my daughter and me as we stood at the counter one day last summer, waiting to place an order. A simple, "I'll be with you in a minute" would have earned her boss hundreds - perhaps even thousands - of dollars in continued patronage. Instead, I choose other locations where I am not only greeted, but greeted with a smile, and treated well.

My daughter rolls her eyes, deeming me overly sensitive. And perhaps she's right. Or, perhaps she's a preteen who doesn't yet have disposable income, let alone a desire to funnel it in the direction of people who take the time to include the niceties.

To all those of you who greet the public, who take the time to make us feel welcome and therefore more willing to part with an increasingly smaller amount of expendable income, please know that your extra efforts are not only noticed, but appreciated. And the next time a customer comes in and treats you poorly, I hope they won't discourage you from continuing to make the extra effort it takes to give service with a smile, because that's one of the reason you have "regulars."

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