Monday, December 14, 2020

Let it Snow!

Pixaline via Pixabay

It's snowing! 

Well, it was. Big, fat, white flakes, sparing the roads and sidewalks but coating the trees and grass, as though it received divine guidance on where to land.

In a Christmas season where festive seems to have taken a holiday, there's something inspiring about waking up on a Monday to the sound of rain, only to watch it morph into its fluffy counterpart by mid-morning. There's something normal and delightful about snow in December, especially after an autumn that felt more like spring in a season that felt anything but normal to begin with. 

Realist that I am, I heard the forecast, but didn't get too excited -- we've had snow no-shows before. Optimist that I am, I believed every word. (Yes, it's possible to be both realistic and optimistic).

The roads are just wet, so I have no real reason to stay home except that I have no real reason to go out, either. This snow, a warm-up (cold-up?) for the storm we're expecting mid-week, gives me the perfect loophole for staying home and collecting the Amazon packages off my front porch as they arrive. Oh, and I'd have to clear my car off if I wanted to go anywhere.

There's nowhere I want to go that badly, especially since snowy days -- even those where the warm ground absorbs the whiteness not long after the flakes stop falling -- are perfect for writing. Monday afternoons, when I have the house to myself because everyone else is at work, are also perfect for writing. 

Looks like I have no excuse, and I couldn't be happier about it. A-writing I will go, with an occasional peek at the snow. 

While it lasts.

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