Wednesday, May 15, 2019

To Delegate is Divine

My chicken did not look like this. But it was good anyway.
(Photo via Pixabay)
Tonight, I did something I don't do often enough.

I delegated.

A crack had begun to form in the foundation of my best-laid plans for the week and I found myself unexpectedly in crunch time. After sticking some chicken in the oven for dinner, I sat down to grade some papers while keeping my eye on the clock and my nose pointed in the direction of the kitchen (figuratively, anyway), monitoring the progress of our dinner-to-be.

After grading a few papers, I headed out to the kitchen to check the meat and put on the sides. And then it occurred to me.

I'm not the only one in this house who knows how to make pasta and vegetables.

So, I calmly headed into the family room where my daughter and my husband were relaxing before dinner and told them I needed some help, putting them in charge of setting the table and making the sides.

Whaddaya know? It worked.

Let me be clear -- my family isn't lazy. In fact, my husband often offers to help and my daughter readily pitches in as well.

It's just that I don't ask.

Instead, I let myself get frazzled and then I feel like a martyr because they're relaxing and I'm working. Tonight, I decided to break that cycle.

And let me tell you, it felt great.

I think this might be the start of something grand.

(P.S. Don't tell my family).

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