Tuesday, August 6, 2024

20 Things I Did Today Instead of Writing a Blog Post

Image by bohed from Pixabay

 Summer days are filled with so many things to do and, once I turn the calendar to August, the list grows. Today, a traditional blog post took a back seat to other pursuits large and small. But, since I didn't want to leave a blank space where a Tuesday post ought to be, I thought I'd share a sampling of the things I did today instead of writing a blog post. :-)

Though it wasn't intentional, I took the morning off which it seems, set the tone for the day. I also:

  • sorted through a few things that needed new homes and put them there;
  • met with the textbook representative to talk about kids and college and, oh yeah, set up my online textbook;
  • played Words With Friends and various New York Times games (see also: took the morning off); 
  • chilled out;
  • texted with friends about Kamala Harris' VP pick;
  • read a chapter in a book of writing exercises (re-discovered when I sorted through those things needing new homes);
  • did laundry;
  • hung out in my sunroom, through sun and rainstorms;
  • listed a few gratitudes in my gratitude notebook;
  • mulled over a few new writing ideas;
  • considered working on my jigsaw puzzle, but never quite got to it;
  • read an article about Prince Harry in People Magazine;
  • cut up another issue of People to use in my collages;
  • finished up some contracted work ahead of schedule, and made progress on a bit more;
  • looked for gossip (see also: read a chapter in a book of writing exercises):
  • got a $3 drink at Starbucks;
  • kept my promise to myself to write more in my idea book;
  • enjoyed phone calls with my daughter and my dad;
  • browsed online for a bookshelf that may or may not be a good idea; 
  • checked email a bunch of times, yet didn't delete nearly enough from my inbox.
Some days, I'm very task-oriented. Today was one of those days -- eventually -- but not all the tasks got completed in the usual fashion.

Then again, who's to say that the usual fashion is always the best way?

Especially over summer vacation.

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