Monday, February 21, 2022


When I found out that I would have only two classes this semester instead of three, I began to consider what I wanted to use the "extra time" to explore. I settled on some podcasting courses and access to an online sketchnoting site I'd always wanted to explore.

Now, a few weeks into spring semester, I'm finding that "extra time" is not in abundance. I didn't actually expect a time windfall, and I thought I'd planned accordingly. As it turns out, I'd underestimated life in general and the ability of my course responsibilities to stay in their own lane. And, with the addition of an unexpected work-related responsibility, work widened from a three-lane highway into four, encroaching into the lanes I'd reserved for cruising along at whatever speed I'd determined for the day.

This month's word-of-the-day writing exercise has been an interesting lane change. I have a nearly perfect record, responding to each word, though I've had to double up twice to catch up on one I missed. Most days, I end up with potential material for my novel -- a pleasant surprise -- though I don't yet know exactly where it will go. Some days, I end up journaling. Still other days, I press my sketchnoting into service. 

Yesterday was one of those days. 

Determined to have a restful Sunday despite a list of things I wanted/needed to tackle, I wrote my word--of-the-day into its designated notebook and took out my case of pens (Yes, I have a case. And then some). It was a great word, and a great reminder that all of us need a day here or there to remind ourselves what helps us thrive so that we can seek more of it. 

How about you? What helps you thrive? And what will you do to make that happen?

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