Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday Feature: Destressing During Self-Isolation

As I approach the one month mark of my time at home with only a daily trip to the mailbox and one rogue trip to the grocery store, I'm grateful for a lot of things (including the fact that my husband does the grocery shopping).

Still, like everyone else, I have good days and bad days. Most days are somewhere in the middle but, occasionally, a tough day where sleep and peace seem to be just out of reach creeps in, shaking my already tenuous equilibrium.

Just me?

As a retired school counselor, I've thought a lot about what I need to do to create my own sense of peace, and I've done some reading as well. This article from A Life of Productivity is one of my favorites. It has the usual recommendations, but also a few I hadn't heard of (you mean all this iced tea is making me more stressed?) and each suggestion is a little bite-sized piece of information that seems do-able.

After browsing this site, I'd like to add a corollary to the suggestion to have hours where you disconnect. When you're on your computer, control what's on your screen by choosing reading that is ad-free. I found this article on a site that doesn't have ads and it's amazing how much calmer the whole site feels. There was one pop-up at the outset, but once I exited out of that window, it was only articles, as far as the eye could see. It's nice to read something where ad-bombing isn't an issue, and it reaffirmed my commitment to keep my blogs ad-free as well. 

These days, when the C-word is everywhere, it's easy to feel info-bombed when we least expect it and even when we're trying to take a break from it. I know that ads can be a necessity to keep sites up and running but, if we look for them, we can find sites where ads are sparse, or even nonexistent.

Come to think of it, maybe this is a perfect time to add your favorite blogger to your reading list :-)

Stay well.

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