Thursday, October 18, 2018

5 Things I Know about Marita's BFF

Bets. She's feisty, she's loyal, she's unapologetic. All three of these are qualities that make her just the right fit for Marita.

Here are a few more things I know about her -- things she doesn't share quite as readily with the world.

  1. She is, much to her own surprise, cautiously optimistic about this whole relationship thing with Trevor. 
  2. Marita might be ready to make amends with Holy Redeemer and all its denizens, but Bets will never forgive them for the way they treated her best friend.
  3. Bets harbors a strong sense of guilt for convincing Marita to go to that fraternity party when they were sixteen. Time and the amazingness of Charli are the only things that quell it.
  4. Her secret dream is to move to California and be a movie star.
  5. She is amazed by how good Marita is a this motherhood thing. Still, as much as Bets loves Charli, she's not sure motherhood is something she wants for herself. 

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