So, when I read guest blogger Carole Brown's post from January 4, it seemed like a great fit for a Friday Freebie. In addition to being an author and blogger, Carole is one of the most generous author advocates I know. She signed with Diana in 2007, and....
Wait. She tells it better than I do. Welcome, Carole.
Never, Never Give Up!
(Originally posted on Sunnybank Secrets, 1/4/13)
I was already going through a discouragement period, and I felt little change as the months passed. Tidbits of things should have given me a hint that change was in the air. Or maybe better said, in my heart.
Friends encouraged. One special friend figuratively sat me down (although actually we were standing for most of the conversation) and gave me a "talking to." What did I take away from that?
1. Quit beating myself up.
2. I have talent; use it
3. Believe in God.
I'll have to admit, my faith
was weak at this point. Yet I'll have to admit again, I think I had to get into
this "slough of despond" for God to gain my attention. I had to get
to the point where all I could say was, "God, I believe. Help my
I put the words on my desktop. Every few days they would catch my attention. Every few days I'd repeat them like a mantra; a prayer from a heart with little faith.
Then a writing conference.
A meeting with an editor.
A manuscript request.
Work. Editing.
A send-in.
More waiting.
Calls from my agent. Emails.
BIG News.
I put the words on my desktop. Every few days they would catch my attention. Every few days I'd repeat them like a mantra; a prayer from a heart with little faith.
Then a writing conference.
A meeting with an editor.
A manuscript request.
Work. Editing.
A send-in.
More waiting.
Calls from my agent. Emails.
BIG News.

December 17: date signed.
I became an author!
Elation. Happiness. Satisfaction. Relief.
Yes. All this.
And more.
And more.

to let go and let God.
My faith might be weak, but God is strong.
My faith might be little, but God works through little and weak
and deformed and broken.
I couldn't make it happen, but God did. In his own time.
It's his book, his novel, and whether he blesses it in a mighty way,
or a small one, it is his.

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