Monday, March 29, 2021

Sketching Out a Character

toodlingstudio via Pixabay
As a writer, I have a substantial collection of notebooks, tablets and writing implements. I rarely choose any of these haphazardly and, in fact, I usually know exactly which surface and implement I want for each task. I'm sure that sounds silly, but that's just my style, and it's one that works for me.

This weekend, the writing wasn't coming easily. Finding time to fit it in has been challenging and, on Saturday, during the time I'd designated for writing, I just wasn't in the right headspace to make it happen. Usually, I push through but, this time, I decided to clear out the brush and brambles that were choking my creative path, with a plan to write later. 

As is often the case, later didn't come until the next day. After finishing the class prep I needed to complete, I made myself comfortable and debated on which writing road to take. An obvious answer presented itself and while that sounded interesting, I wondered if I was taking the easy road.

So, I pulled out a sketchbook and my favorite planning markers with the idea of connecting with my newest, most elusive character. She'd revealed herself just a little bit the last time I'd used those materials and yesterday, they did the trick again. Though I haven't even begun to write her story, I now have a better idea of what it will be because I'm slowly uncovering who she is. And I think I even know where the book begins.

If you're thinking that using a sketchbook means I'm literally sketching her out, let me clear things up. I'm not a visual artist -- my sketches of people are stick people -- but there's something about the blank white page that feels unconstrained, and as though anything is possible. It frees me from choosing the just-right word or even writing in complete sentences -- I mean, there aren't even any lines to write on! It's the huge block of marble out of which I sculpt my characters, one thought, quality or event at a time.

Slowing, I'm chipping away at Renée (not her real name). And yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I got very excited about the character who is emerging. Now that I've sketched her out a bit, I think it might be time to take the next step.

It might just be time for Renée to inhabit a notebook of her own. Now I just need to decide which one it will be.

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