Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday Feature: The Best Way to be Productive

Okay, you're a busy person. You've stopped to read this, my third productivity-related post of the week, so I won't keep you in suspense. The best way to be productive is to do nothing.


Yep. I was first captivated by the subtitle of this CNBC piece ("The psychology behind why being lazy is actually good for your brain"). I mean, who wouldn't be? How could we not be in favor of being good to our brains, particularly if all we have to do to accomplish this is to be lazy?

I'm in.

But the article hit home in serious ways as well, most notably finding it difficult to actually relax. I don't know about you, but I find that even my downtime isn't really downtime. By the time most of us get to that point in the day, we end up in mindless pursuits which, like a big meal at 9PM, can be delicious while we're consuming it while offering endless echoes of regret later on. I have so many hobbies I'd love to get to. What if they were actually the key to productivity?

La Petite Femmevia Pixabay
Our brains need down time and, when we honor that need, they work more efficiently. My favorite line in the article was this payoff of productivity: "getting more done in a less amount of time [sic] means more opportunity to relax." Like, actually, relax, rather than crashing, guilt-ridden in front of endless syndicated sitcom episodes.

So, whaddaya think? Are you up for a little laziness?

Meet you there.

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