Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday Special: Pennwriters Conference

On Friday, I took the train from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh. I've never been to Pittsburgh before, but a Pennwriters Conference with speakers including literary agent Donald Maass and author/editor Chuck Sambuchino from Writer's Digest was a pretty big draw.

And I haven't been disappointed. Typically, I find at least one workshop slot where I can shop in the bookstore or take a nap...but not yesterday. I heard about pitches, revisions, and promotions. Chuck spoke at lunch and Donald spoke at dinner....and then hung out in the lobby and talked to writers afterward. So far today, I've gotten lessons in freelancing from Chuck (who autographed my copy of his book on platform) and later on today, I will collect my free book from author Bobbi Carducci.

I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Writers are a generous bunch, and the professionals who attend these conferences are no exception. Our keynote speakers make themselves available outside their presentations, graciously sign books and invite us to contact them after the conference is over. Those of us who write for publication would do well to emulate them and share what we know with the same grace and generosity.

I still have lots to look forward to today, and I'm excited to sharing more of the lessons and high points here and in the classes I teach.

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