Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Magic Cursor

I've been watching reruns of Sex and the City lately (hey, it's summer vacation!), and I find myself intrigued (and not for the first time) by not only the friendships and the four wonderful women who comprise the cast, but also by something seemingly simple to most viewers - that wonderful moment when Carrie settles on the topic for her column. She's wandering around her apartment, mulling over what has happened, what's going to happen, or perhaps a situation that she, Miranda, Samantha or Charlotte finds herself in.

Then suddenly, the set-up, and the words appear on her computer screen (free from any typos) as her latest column begins to take shape. And, what she comes up with is always pithy, relevant, and most of all, in time for her deadline. Every writer should be so lucky.

Maybe it's the Manolo Blahniks.

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