Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week

 According to Twitter, this week is Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week. This is how I'm celebrating. 

Any questions?

I sent my book proposal out last week (I'm a hybrid author -- traditionally published nonfiction and self-published fiction), so I'm giving the muse a break this week. I'm sure some ideas will arise and, if so, I have the appropriate notebooks in which to capture them. 

But, the longer I do this, the more I realize that nudging, berating, and otherwise harassing the muse is not the way to go. Both of us need a little R & R before I flip the calendar page to August and it's time to devote at least a little time to back-to-school prep. 

So far, that's looked like reviewing a really cool planner (still need to write the review, but I have copious notes), reading for pleasure, practicing my French (a habit started two summers ago), a tiny bit of sketchnoting, and a really easy jigsaw puzzle. Unfortunately, it also included an ER trip for my husband who is, I'm grateful to say, on the mend.

The older I get, the less I feel I need to make excuses for lazy summer days. So, as my first (and only) official act of Self-Published Authors Appreciation Week, I hereby grant you permission to enjoy as many lazy summer days as you can. If you wish, you may even bank a few for use in a future season.

Enjoy every minute. They go really fast.

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