Monday, July 12, 2021

Five Things I Knew About Angel Alessio...and One Thing I Learned

Angel Alessio is arguably the most forgiving of all my characters. Unfortunately, her sweet nature means that people count on her kindness, knowing she'll understand whatever mistake or error in judgment they might have made -- and that means she gets taken advantage of.

Poor Angel. She deserves so much better. Luckily, she's surrounded by characters who know this and who (mostly) behave accordingly.

Here are five things I know about Angel.
  1. She has a good heart and sees the best in everyone.
  2. She would do anything for Spencer, Charli, Jim, her father...and Marita.
  3. She has been defined by her mother's abandonment and her father's love.
  4. Even when Jim's appeal is far from evident to everyone else, Angel can still find a glimpse of the man she fell in love with.
  5. She is overwhelmed by the love and compassion she receives from her female friends and extended family.
And the one thing I learned? Angel is much tougher than anyone gives her credit for.

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