Friday, April 9, 2021

Friday Feature: Making Sleep Less Elusive

As a woman of a certain age, I've accepted the fact that sleep is not as easy as it once was, that my night owl body clock will never be set to what others consider a respectable bedtime, and that naps at least a few times a week are a way of life. But, tossing and turning on a nightly basis? Do I have to accept that?

Nope. At least not according to The Greater Good Science Center. One of my favorite resources for positive psychology information, this UC Berkeley site has lots of articles that are easy to read and full of great ideas and this one is no exception. Best of all, I don't need to participate in a psychology experiment or even go to a sleep lab to try out the ideas because they're all about ways to calm a busy mind without using drugs or complicated techniques.

Maybe there's hope for my night owl brain after all.

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