Monday, October 15, 2018

5 Things I Know About Angel Alessio

Last week, my day job took over and I dropped the ball on my Wednesday post, something I rarely do. I kept thinking I'd catch up but, in the midst of grading exams and determining midterm grades, it just didn't happen.

Luckily for me, that post focused on Angel, arguably the most forgiving of my characters. I feel a little bad because Angel's sweet nature means that people often do just what I did -- heave a sigh of relief, knowing she'll understand -- and that means that she gets taken advantage of.

And, to add insult to injury, converging deadlines meant that even though I finally got to Angel's post today, it wasn't until this evening.

Poor Angel. She deserves so much better. Luckily, she's surrounded by characters who know this and behave accordingly.

Here are five things I know about Angel.

  1. She has a good heart and sees the best in everyone.
  2. She would do anything for Spencer, Charli, Jim, her father...and Marita.
  3. She has been defined by her mother's abandonment and her father's love.
  4. Even when Jim's appeal is far from evident to everyone else, Angel can still find a glimpse of the man she fell in love with.
  5. She is overwhelmed by the love and compassion she receives from her female friends and extended family.

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