Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Feature: For Parents of High School Seniors

Photo: KConnors via Morguefile
Some weeks, I struggle to find my Friday Feature. But this week, it landed in my lap when a friend of mine tagged me in a post on Facebook. The article in question? The Parent's 'Last Call' List for Senior Year.

It was a good read for parents of high school seniors, one I'm glad she passed along. Ideally, we've been doing these things all along -- gradually loosening the reins, having the talks in bits and pieces -- in preparation for the day we set them loose on the world. Admittedly, it's a lot easier to follow these suggestions when the kid is outnumbered by parents, as mine is, and when you're lucky enough to trade in full-time work for a flexible schedule, as I was.

I know a year from now, I'll look back, amazed at how fast it all went and how much occurred. But for now, I plan to milk it for all it's worth.

Enjoy your weekend...and your kids.

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