Thursday, August 18, 2011

6 Non-fiction Keepers

In my last blog post, I cited Henriette Anne Klauser's Write it Down, Make it Happen as an example of a book whose information has proven valuable years beyond the day I turned the last page. Earlier this summer, I gave a similar mention to Stephen King's On Writing as the writing resource that had the greatest impact on my writing, and which continues to resonate for me today.

That got me thinking about other books I've read which have a permanent place of honor on my bookshelf because the information they imparted was at once so simple and so useful that it forever altered the way I look at a particular topic or idea. They are, in no particular order:

Organizing for the Creative Person by Dorothy Lehmkuhl
Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern
Simplify Your Life by Marcia Ramsland
Kids in the Syndrome Mix by Dr. Martin Kutscher

It's not that novels don't make an impression on me - they do - but the books in this post all offered advice that I needed. Sometimes I knew I needed it, and sometimes I didn't, but what I learned stayed with me and informed my future actions and decisions. Not surprisingly, these are the books I recommend often.

What books have earned a place of honor on your shelf?

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