
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

W is for Wet

 Today, for the second day in less than a week, I'm enjoying the weather from inside. On Saturday, it was snow. Today, it's rain and wind. 

On Saturday, I actually did enjoy it. I love watching snow fall, especially if I don't have to go anywhere. It's peaceful and, if I'm safe inside for the foreseeable future, it's cozy, too. We still have our Christmas tree up (yes, it routinely stays up until mid-January) and the white lights added a warmth to the room that contrasted with the cold. 

I'm not as big a fan of the rain. My daughter loves rain; it's her favorite weather and my husband loves the sound of the rain, as long as he's not driving in it. This morning, as I started my day in the sunroom, rain drumming on the roof, I sort of got the appeal.

But then I went inside and realized how much quieter it was in the house, as compared to the sunroom, and that was the end of my run as a pluviophile. 

I recently finished a novel in which the author used endless rain as a mood device, to very good effect. More than one character was exhausted by the incessant background noise it created, a sort of percussive accompaniment to times that were as turbulent as the weather.

In addition to watering lawns and gardens and providing dreary settings in novels, rainy days are good for other things, like writing, doing a jigsaw puzzle, or curling up under a blanket with a book. Or maybe organizing a space that needs decluttering, doing something creative like drawing, baking, or crocheting, or watching a favorite movie.

All of my favorite snow day pursuits :-)

How about you? Are you a pluviophile or do you, like me, much prefer sunny skies? What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy or snowy day?

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