
Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Feature: The Television to Reading Content Pipeline

 Last Sunday morning, I opened my email to find that Audible was having a sale. I thought it was very kind of them to have a sale on Sampling Sunday and so I ordered a few new books to listen to.

Five, to be exact. Four of them were by Lauren Graham and the fifth was another psych-type read co-authored by Martin Seligman. I dug into one of the Lauren Graham books immediately, abandoning another listen (which shall not be named because I am actually enjoying it, but wanted something a bit lighter) and I'm not disappointed. 

Talking as Fast as I Can is one of my favorite kinds of Audible books -- a story about the author, told by the author. Lauren Graham [previously known to me first as Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) and then as Sarah Braverman (Parenthood)] does as promised in the book's subtitle, sharing stories leading up to her role as Lorelai and talking about her role as Lorelai.

Or, at least she has so far. I'm only on Chapter 6, but have heard enough to confidently say that if you're a Gilmore Girls fan, you'll probably enjoy this book. 

Continuing with my television to reading pipeline, I've been reading You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey by Amber Ruffin (previously known to me as a writer for Late Night with Seth Meyers and from her own Amber Ruffin Show) on Kindle. While her voice definitely comes through, the topic (racism) is much less lighthearted. But, if you enjoy her "Amber Says What?" segments on Late Night with Seth Meyers, this listen might interest you as well.

Stay tuned to find out where I'm listening to my audiobooks. 

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