
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Let There be Light

About a month ago, I convinced my husband that we needed new window treatments in the playroom/man cave/family room. Over the past several years, the room has slowly been transforming from a kid/teen-centric space to one that's both family-oriented and a retreat for my husband. It's still a work-in-progress, however, and the next step was choosing something that could give us more control over the amount of light in the room.

After some I did some initial clicking around on Pinterest, I quickly settled on three favorite looks, which I ran by my husband. He ruled one out immediately, and, together, we decided on a style, and found a look and a color we both like.

Now, each morning when I come downstairs, one of the first things I do is let some light into the back room (playroom/man cave/family room). I love the shades we've chosen not only for their ease and style, but for what they represent.

Let there be light.

I'm at a point in the semester where that's exactly the sentiment I need. Slowly, the stacks of papers are diminishing as one after the other gets graded and each is returned to its original owner. Glimmers of clear space are emerging on my dining room table as I remove these "must do" piles and replace them with the "can't wait to do" lists that will commence once the semester ends. Don't get me wrong -- I love teaching -- but not the end-of-semester crunch.

And so, each morning between now and next Thursday, when I collect the last paper to be graded this semester, I'll start my day by shedding a little light on the situation.

Come to think of it, that's a pretty good way to start any day.

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