
Monday, November 23, 2015

It's Here!!

My new book is out and I couldn't be more excited! For a variety of reasons, I chose to self-publish this one, so in addition to being excited, I'm also exhausted. As I gear up for the creation of the paperback version, I am, once again, grateful to have friends who are both knowledgeable and supportive, and it's clear to me that "self-publishing," if it's done right, isn't a one-person job.

At least not this one person.

I owe more debts of gratitude than I can possibly enumerate -- from my sister, who copyedited, to my friend Laurie J. Edwards who did the cover art and formatting, to my friend Karen who came up with the log line for the cover (all the way from Paris!), to those who wrote reviews of Casting the First Stone, thus providing back cover copy -- this book would not be a reality without them. I now know how people who accept awards feel. There's no way you'll ever be able to thank everyone who played a role in the process.

If you're interested in reading an excerpt, click here. And if you do read the book, I hope you'll consider writing a review.

Have a wonderful week! If you're looking for me, check Cloud Nine :-)

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