
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday Special: Letting it Go, One Category at a Time

Photo: Godserv via Morguefile
Do you have too much stuff? I know I do. Even when we get inspired to downsize, it's sometimes hard to know just where to start.

Family Circle to the rescue! Diana Reese's fabulously visual 18 Things You Can Get Rid of Right Now offers starting points gentle enough to appeal to even those with an I love stuff style. Items are listed by category, and the article is almost completely devoid of the "throw it away!" mentality so painful to many of us who long to de-clutter. Instead, Reese focuses on gentler ways to let go, such as passing your castaways along to someone who'll love and appreciate them. Some of the tips even come with videos to give you organization tips.

If the posts from the past few weeks have you in a project mindset, this article can help you keep up the momentum. If you've been looking for a starting point, you might find that here, too. Every time I scroll through the pictures, I think, "I can do that!"

So go ahead -- take a peek. You've got nothing to lose except a little bit of clutter.

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