
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

6 Kinds of Procrastination
Part of the freshman seminar I'm teaching this fall involves helping students learn the skills necessary to successfully transition from high school to college. Perhaps I'm identifying with them a little bit too much, but two of the topics we'll be discussing are perfectionism and procrastination.

It wasn't until I started teaching this that I discovered there are 6 different kinds of procrastination. Oh, sure, I know we procrastinate for a variety of reasons, but I didn't realize researchers had dissected them quite so thoroughly. (I wonder what they were putting off doing instead).

Wondering what they are? Well, I won't put off telling you!

  • Perfectionists put off getting started because the end product has to be just right.
  • Dreamers have lots of big ideas, but take very little action.
  • Worriers...worry. Uncertainty about moving forward keeps these procrastinators standing still. 
  • Crisis Makers suffer from last minute-itis, believing (or at least telling themselves) that they work best under pressure.
  • Defiers can be aggressive or passive aggressive. Sure, they could do it, but why should they? Let alone on your schedule?
  • Overdoers mean to do it -- they really do. It's just that there's so much to do, and so little time.
Photo: Dianne Hope via Morguefile
In her book, It's About Time! The Six Styles of Procrastination and How to Overcome ThemDr. Linda Sapadin includes a quiz to help you figure out what kind of procrastinator you are. (If you're like me, you probably don't even need the quiz). And, for a great summary of the styles and some strategies to combat them, check out this handout from Reed College

And you know what else? Turns out there are three different kinds of perfectionism, too. Maybe I'll share those next week.

Or the week after :-)

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