
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday Special: Book Baskets

After reading Thursday's post, are you wondering about my latest novel, meaningful and fun promotion? (I hope so!)

As a small businesswoman, I wanted to do something that would create a little buzz for some local small businesses in addition to putting my books into people's hands. So, I decided to make up gift baskets and leave them in a few spots around town. Customers come in, see the book basket and I get publicity. I tell my readers about the baskets here, and the businesses get publicity. Meanwhile, patrons are signing up to win the basket, and at the end of it all, three customers of locally owned small businesses get to take home a basket that they can enjoy, or use as a holiday gift.

Each basket contains a copy of Casting the First Stone, along with Book Club Questions, a Casting the First Stone bookmark and a few little things that I thought patrons of the business might enjoy. (And, since I'm a Thirty-One consultant, each basket has at least one Thirty-One item tucked in).

You can find the baskets at Bluett Bros. ViolinsBook Ends and EPIC: A Michael Alan Salon. Not sure where the businesses are located? Clicking on their names in the sentence above will take you to their Facebook pages.

If you live in the York area, I hope you'll visit these businesses, see what they have to offer and enter to win. I'd love to put a copy of my book into your hands.

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