
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Twitter Truths
Scrolling through the Twittersphere this morning, I had to chuckle at this tweet from Sarah Reinhard:

"What is this "biting off more than you can chew" thing people ask me about? Huh? #Igetitalldone #99percentontime"
And, of course, I had to retweet, not just because of Sarah's characteristically funny hashtags, but because the sentiment is oh-so-familiar.

I thought that when I retired, life would slow down. Though I knew I wasn't finished working, I also knew that whatever jobs I took on in this next season of my life were likely to be part-time, giving me
more control over my schedule and therefore more time to do all the things I enjoy doing.

As it turns out, that list is long, and retired or not, I still have only 24 hours in a day. In addition, the "jobs" -- as in the plural form -- which have replaced the single job I left behind two years ago --sometimes seem as though they require the energy of a much younger person.

Fortunately, these jobs add much to my life -- pleasure, satisfaction, creative and intellectual fulfillment. The one thing they don't add is time (in fact, they subtract it, sometimes exponentially).

But there's not a single one I'd relinquish. Some days, I feel as though my head is spinning, and other days, I simply curl up and take a nap in sheer self-defense, but overall, to quote Sarah's hashtags, "I get it all done, 99% on time."And on a good day, the energy I expend seems to create more energy in the process.

The truth is, I don't know how to be any other way. I've always approached life with an "all in" attitude; I'm just not capable of passing up the opportunity to do something I love. And when I pause and think about the things I might not have done if I'd been more practical with the expenditure of my time, I'm even more certain that saying yes -- within reason -- is right for me.

But it helps to know someone like Sarah is on the same crazy ride because let's face it -- life's better when you have company for the journey.

Word Count Wednesday: 5245 :-)

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