
Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday Freebie: Carole Brown & The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman

Bet you thought I forgot all about Friday Freebies! Life has been very busy, but today, I'm happy to welcome back Carole Brown, author of The Redemption of Caralynne HaymanCarole has always been very generous when it comes to promoting other authors and commenting on their blogs, and I am delighted to be able to return the favor.

Carole is also a good sport. Instead of traditional interview questions, she agreed to try something different. Read on for some insights into not only Carole's novel, but into Carole as well.

5 reasons to read The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman

Everyone needs to awaken to the true horror of abuse. It exists and I believe everyone should be in the place where they can encourage and/or offer hope to those hurting ones with whom we come in direct contact. 

Life is about more than just fun and games although I love having fun and being entertained at times. I think there needs to be a balance in our lives and for the purpose of this list: seriousness and happiness. Existing on one or the other seriously damages us. A steady diet of pie, cookies and cakes will eventually cause health issues. A steady diet of partying, laughter, jokes and high living will seriously hinder us in our daily lives (unless perhaps we’ve taken up the career of being clowns? Lol) 

You’ll enjoy reading how one scared, but courageous woman takes a stand against the wrongs in her life. You’ll capture the hope shining throughout the book and see the triumphant victory God has when we turn our lives, our dreams, and even our fears and sins over to him.

You’ll bless an author! Authors love readers and fans of their books. It’s an ultimate blessing to our lives to read a great review, to read how it blessed your heart, or to know it encouraged someone. Readers are wonderful!

You gain a new favorite author! Lol. I’m just kidding in a way. Seriously though, every author dreams of having many faithful readers, and I’m no different. Hopefully, you will enjoy The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, and we’ll both profit! 

4 things Carole loves about the company of writers

Fellowship with likeminded creatures! What fun to talk all you want about writing to those who understand and “get it” because writing is a big part of who they are!

No writer will give you looks because you talk of killing off someone or fighting with the hero. What fun to feel “safe” to kill off whomever you want, to cause fights to happen to those you know, or to create strange events--to your characters. And to have other writers encourage and cheer you on! Lol

I always come away revitalized and excited to begin another section of a book I’m working on. It’s almost as if fuel has been added to this “car.” I’m ready to go after visiting with other writer friends. 

Brainstorming. I can always count on someone to come up with a suggestion that will help me over a slump in my writing! Most writers experience it, and writing friends are a big help in this area--normally. 

3 things every aspiring author should know about launching a book

Do your research ahead of time. Don’t wait until your book has released to start asking for reviews, interviews, guest blogs, good places to advertise with. The more you research and learn before the big day arrives the happier and more peaceful you can be.

It’s hard work! Be prepared to ignore things in your life you previously enjoyed--for a time. Be prepared to ramp up long hours at answering questions, filling in forms, writing guest blogs, and a million other things that require getting your name out there. Be prepared to spend money. Most authors find that spending money to sell your books is a necessity whether it’s for advertising and/or gas and food for traveling to events and opportunities. 

Enjoyment!  Look for the satisfaction of having your “baby” born. Happiness, peace and joy comes from knowing you’ve created a piece of yourself, that you’ve woven words from your imaginationto form a document called a novel. Relax in the knowledge and get all the pleasure you can (because next on the list is getting that next masterpiece started and completed. Lol)

2 fictional characters Carole loves

From my novels? Then here goes:

Caralynne Hayman, from The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, my debut novel, is so full of courage, although she can’t see it, and love for her daughters, that I can’t help but cheer her on. She could be any woman who’s ever faced darkness in her life. Having fear does not mean we’re not courageous, but letting that fear conquer us does.

In one of my historicals, the first in a three-book series set in WWII, the oldest daughter, Emma Jaine Rayner, is a strong woman determined to help not only her father but to guide her sisters in the way they should go--according to her. She’s such a spunky, fun character, very lightly based on my mother, that I totally enjoyed writing about her. She’s a red-headed fireball that runs smack dab into the middle of a spy. 

1 thing Carole is thinking of writing next:

Only one?

How about this? I’m trying to finish a fun, lighthearted, suspenseful historical novel set in the late 1800s --a new time period for me. Destiny Rose (named after my husband’s niece’s baby daughter who passed away) is the funnest, flirtiest, drive-you-mad character I’ve created. She’s just got to have her way even if she runs right into the chest and arms of withdrawn Michael McCallaugher. But then with gold, a missing man man named Caleb, and her traitorous heart involved, what else can she do but seek for answers?

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