
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Catholic Writers Conference online

This week, I am attending the online Catholic Writers Conference, a little gem passed on to me two years ago by my friend Laurie. The first year, I was too intimidated by the online format to check it out, but last year, I took the time to see how it worked, and now I am hooked.

The conference is low key, with a variety of workshops you can attend in your pajamas (it's online, after all). You can connect as much or as little with the other conferees as you want, and for the duration of the conference, you can check out all of the offerings at any time of day or night. Early birds can post before work and night owls can attend forums at 3am if they wish.

It's too late to sign up for this year's conference, but you can check out the set-up at and make a note to register (free!) for next year's event.

And you don't have to be Catholic to attend. The flavor is definitely Catholic, but the information is universal.

I love the online format so much I'd love to check out other online conference options. Does anyone out there have any to recommend?


  1. Lisa, sounds like a grand time. Hope you have a wonderful, productive session!

    1. Thanks, Carole. It's always nice when online events can create the feel of actual conversation because that adds to the fun!

      Thanks for always commenting, by the way. In our blogging session, we were just talking about how the number of readers (fortunately) does not correlate with the number of comments, and how to get those numbers a bit closer together. I appreciate loyal readers and loyal reader/commenters like you!
