
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hitting the Jackpot

Outside my window, it is snowing, and I find myself wishing for that winter equivalent of three cherries on the slot machine - a snow day. I know my colleagues would frown, reminding me that we'll just have to make it up in June, but to me, the allure of an unscheduled day off remains delicious.

As a writer, I know I can always put these bonus days to good use. While the obvious choice is to park myself in front of the computer and create new pages for my novel, as a truly creative writer, I can find many productive ways to spend the day.

I can curl up with a good book - for inspiration, of course. I can turn off the alarm and sleep in so the muse will be well-rested. From the warmth of my office, or during a brisk, creativity-inspiring walk, I can name the neighborhood snowmen and create a plot for them. I can even lounge on the sofa eating bon bons - all in the name of character research and development.

Unfortunately, the odds of getting a snow day are probably about as good as the odds of getting those three cherries on the slot machine...unless, of course, it keeps snowing.

If you hit the jackpot, what would you do?

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