
Monday, May 17, 2010

Pennwriters Conference...It's a Wrap

The rest of the conference did not disappoint...unless you count the fact that I didn't win the Nook. Oh well. Not sure I'm ready for e-books anyway.

Tim's presentation remained my favorite, though I enjoyed Anita Nolan's presentation on revisions as well. Unlike Anita, for whom revising is the most fun, I dread revisions. Sadly, I'm one of those "I already wrote the book - now I have to revise it??" authors, but I'm hoping the clear, detailed (anyone noticing a theme, here?) suggestions she gave will make the process less painful.

I also enjoyed Pennwriter Elizabeth Kann's Saturday keynote, which was a lovely blend of humor and optimism, with a fun and funny takeaway. Like Friday's keynote speaker James Rollins (who also has some juvenile lit credits), Elizabeth was down-to-earth and one of us...though most of us are still aspiring to the successes both James and Elizabeth are enjoying. Maybe someday...

For now, I am pondering another burning question: how can one three-day conference require twice as much time in preparation and recovery?


  1. Thanks for the mention, Lisa! I enjoyed the conference too. It was my first Pennwriters Conference and I hope to be back.


  2. It was the first time I went for the whole thing - so much information!! Good luck with your projects!

  3. I'm so jealous you got to attend a conference! That is one of my goals for this year. It sounds like you really benefitted from it.

  4. @Holly - it was great! It was local, so that kept expenses down even though I stayed for the whole weekend. I also shared a room with my sister which added to the fun but subtracted from the expenses.
