Friday, January 15, 2021

Friday Feature: Luminous Voices in...a Parking Lot?

Overall, I'm much more comfortable with this whole staying at home thing than I expected to be, but there are things I miss. Hugs are at the top of the list, and so, too, is singing. Although I can sing in my house and in my car, it's not the same as singing with other people.

But, thanks to determination, ingenuity and some tech savvy, one group of people figured out how to put something most of us do regularly (sing in our cars) together with something we don't associate with cars (choir practice) and create a new, safe way of making music. In fact, they even had two car concerts -- concerts where the choir gathered together and sang in their cars (and the audience honked in appreciation). 

I don't pretend to understand the technical aspects, but the end result was gorgeous! (If you follow the link to the article, you must listen to the song!) I immediately sent the link to the head of our choir at church, who's been trying to find ways to keep making music under trying circumstances.

So, while I can't go out in my car and replicate this experience on my own, I can listen to the rich combination of voices of the Luminous Voices group, which fills me with hope that singing with a group of friends isn't just something I can reminisce about, but something I'll get to do again.

Perhaps sooner than I think.

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